
Hi! I am Sara, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and EMDR Therapy Certified Therapist located in Costa Mesa, California.

I am deeply passionate about EMDR Therapy as I have found it to be one of most powerful therapy techniques for helping clients’ reduce anxiety and the symptoms of trauma.

I am certified in EMDR Therapy through the EMDR International Association and have advanced training in the integration of EMDR Therapy with somatic techniques and in the treatment of OCD.

When I am not providing therapy, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, as well as my feisty rabbit!


Professional Education

  • MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK, California State University Fullerton

  • MASTER OF SCIENCE in Interdisciplinary Studies: Career Planning for Individuals with Disabilities, California State University Long Beach

  • BACHELOR OF ARTS in Social Sciences, University of California Irvine



  • Interweaving Somatic Approaches into EMDR Therapy with Simple and Complex Trauma - EMDR Professional Training

  • Treating OCD with EMDR Therapy, Exposure and Response Prevention and Ego State Therapy - Sandra Paulsen PhD/ Steve Frankel Group

  • Early EMDR Intervention: Recent Traumatic Episode Protocol (R-TEP) - EMDR Professional Training

  • DeTUR™ : Urge Reduction Protocol for Addictions - EMDR Professional Training

  • EMD Symptom Reduction and Maintaining Stability - Trauma Recovery, EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Program

  • Psychopharmacology and Co-Occurring Disorders - CAMFT

  • Trauma Training: Treating Trauma Masters Series - National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine

  • Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing, Mastering the Body-Oriented Approach to Trauma and Stress Disorders - Professional Education Systems Institute